Bharat's Commitment to Conservation of Nature Eternal

Bharat's Commitment to Conservation of Nature Eternal

The Statement of Honorable Prime Minister of Bharat does not only reflect the political resolve for conservation of nature but it mirrors the age old culture of Bharat which has the values of venerating and preserving the nature ingrained in its day to day life. The commitment of most countries with regards to environment conservation is based on and defined by certain frameworks and parameters reached through consensus in International forums on environment conservation. Such conventions obviously reflect the will of the concurring countries towards environment conservation but in a very subtle manner also implies the possibility for non-concurrence by such countries in certain situations.

However, it is important to understand that

Bharat’s commitment towards environment conservation is above and beyond international conventions; it is rooted in antiquity and is eternal.

Our commitment does not just emanate from the understanding that natural resources should be conserved because we need them or because the environmental pollution has harmful impact on human beings, rather it springs from our age old culture and belief system which emphasizes on the fact that natural resources are the source of our life. In Bharat, the nature is worshiped, and thus, it also needs to be conserved.

One can easily discern a strong linkage between nature and the various festivals celebrated in Bharat. In fact, it can be said that many indigenous

Bhartiya festivals are directly concerned with conservation of nature. It is important to understand that objects of nature are worshiped in Bharat to acknowledge and venerate nature’s powers and the bounties it provides

A very obvious analogy is that, we don’t destroy or disrespect whatever we worship. Thus, festivals in which any form of nature is worshiped connotes in a very subtle but obvious way, the need to conserve nature.