Religious Matters to Conservation of Socities

Religious Matters to Conservation of Socities

Vat Vriksha Puja has direct linkage to the need to conserve the huge and highly valuable Banyan trees. Banyan tree has special mention in our Hindu scriptures and is considered a sacred tree. This sacredness springs from the mention of ‘Banyan Tree’ in many scriptures as a tree of immortality. Its aerial roots grow down into the soil forming additional trunks and are therefore called Bahupada, the one with several feet.

It symbolizes longevity and represents the divine creator, Brahma The religious significance of Vat Vriksha Puja, obviously emanated from the grandeur and life enriching qualities of the Banyan tree, but this puja is nevertheless a remarkable way to ensure conservation of such important trees in particular and to infuse a sense of connect with nature amongst people in general

Religious Matters to Conservation of Socities

Govardhan Puja espouses and has strong foundation in the concept of afforestation. It can be thus said that yearly celebration of such festivals is not only a way to bring enthusiasm and fervor in the mundane lives of people but also a way to remind them of their responsibility towards nature and humanity.